Solutions II, a managed services and cybersecurity leader, achieved rapid expansion, moving from a small technology services provider into a mid-sized company. Despite this success, the company faced a growth plateau, signaling the need for a more sophisticated marketing and sales strategy to continue its upward trajectory, especially in the area of top-of-funnel growth.


The main challenge was transforming Solutions II's perception as a competent provider of managed services and cyber-security into their actual role as a strategic partner aligned with the evolving expectations of senior business executives. This transformation required reorganizing the marketing department, enhancing clarity in communicating value propositions, and integrating marketing and sales functions more effectively.


As the Fractional CMO, Michael Taylor spearheaded the marketing strategy's revitalization, focusing on agility and strategic alignment. The approach included:

  • Role Innovation: Introducing new hybrid roles blending marketing and sales responsibilities to enhance coordination and effectiveness.
  • Productization of Services: Development and launch of productized services like ASM Illuminate, designed with straightforward, compelling value propositions that appeal directly to senior executives, particularly those not deeply technical.

  • Strategic Communication: Improvement in the quality of strategic communications to better align with clients' overarching business objectives, emphasizing the role of cybersecurity in enabling business resilience and growth.
  • Performance Monitoring: Deployment of a comprehensive marketing dashboard to regularly assess and refine strategies, ensuring alignment with dynamic market conditions and organizational goals.


The revamped marketing strategy significantly improved Solutions II's position in the market:

  • Enhanced Collaboration: Introducing hybrid roles fostered a more integrated approach between marketing and sales, resulting in a unified strategy and execution.
  • Increased Strategic Value: By optimizing the strategic impact of live events, trade shows, and webinars, these activities significantly contributed to the company's strategic objectives, with a focus on cybersecurity's role in business continuity.
  • Improved Client Engagement: The introduction of interactive pre-sales tools, such as online assessments and digital features to enhance engagement at events and online conversations, increased prospect interaction quality, laying the groundwork for deeper engagement and higher conversion rates.


Solutions II remains committed to continuous improvement, adapting its strategies to maintain a competitive edge. The ongoing integration of marketing and sales, alongside strategic enhancements to both live and digital events, is crucial to sustaining growth and leadership in the tech sector.

The transformation at Solutions II highlights the pivotal role of adaptive marketing strategies and leadership in navigating through periods of market stagnation to achieve renewed growth.

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